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Playing the English Gentleman - M. K. Gandhi

PLAYING THE ENGLISH GENTLEMAN- M. K. GANDHI My faith in vegetarianism grew on me from day to day. Salt's book whetted my appetite for dietetic studies. I went in for all books available on vegetarianism and read them. One of these, Howard Williams'  The Ethics of Diet , was a 'biographical history of the literature of humane dietetics from the earliest period to the present day'. It tried to make out, that all philosophers and prophets from Pythagoras and Jesus down to those of the present age were vegetarians. Dr. Anna Kingsford's  The Perfect Way in Diet  was also an attractive book. Dr. Allinson's writings on health and hygiene were likewise very helpful. He advocated a curative system based on regulation of the dietary of patients. Himself a vegetarian, he prescribed for his patients also a strictly vegetarian diet. The result of reading all this literature was that dietetic experiments came to take an important place in my life. Health was the princ...

With the Photographer- Stephen Leacock

Stephen Leacock Stephen Butler Leacock , (born 1869, Engand—died 1944Canada) was a Canadian humorist, educator, lecturer, and author. Works:  Literary Lapses  (1910),  Nonsense Novels  (1911),  Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town  (1912),  Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich  (1914),  Humour: Its Theory and Technique  (1935),  The Boy I Left Behind Me  (1946). With the Photographer - Stephen Leacock "I want my photograph taken," I said. The photographer looked at me without enthusiasm. He was a drooping man in a gray suit, with the dim eye of a natural scientist. But there is no need to describe him. Everybody knows what a photographer is like. "Sit there," he said, "and wait." I waited an hour. I read the Ladies Companion for 1912, the Girls Magazine for 1902 and the Infants Journal for 1888. I began to see that I had done an unwarrantable thing in breaking in on the privacy of this man's scienti...

Why I Want a Wife- Judy Brady

Why I Want a Wife   } Judy ( Syfers ) Brady } Judy Brady (1937- ) was born in San Francisco } B.F.A . from the University of Iowa in 1962. } Brady's a feminist, a political and environmental activist—especially having to do with cancer-related issues, and a freelance writer. } She's edited both  Women and Cancer (1990) and  One in Three: Women with Cancer Confront an Epidemic  (1991). } Brady's work has also appeared in periodicals such as  Greenpeace Magazine  and  The Women's Review of Books . } Her classic satirical essay "Why I Want a Wife" was first published in the first issue of  Ms .   magazine  in 1972 . (as Judy Syfers ) } Reprinted in the same magazine in 1979 and 1990 } Why I Want a Wife- Judy Brady   I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am A Wife. And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother. } Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh fro...

Where the mind is without fear - Ravindranath Tagore

Where the mind is without fear — Ravindranath Tagore ( BORN: May 7, 1861    Kolkata, India-   DIED: Aug 7, 1941 (aged 80)   Kolkata, India) — Nobel Prize (1913) — Knighted (1915) — Tagore: Life & Works — Bengali poet, short-story writer,  song  composer, playwright, essayist, and painter — introduced new prose and verse forms and the use of  colloquial  language into  Bengali literature , thereby freeing it from traditional models based on classical  Sanskrit . — He was highly influential in introducing Indian  culture  to the West and vice versa, and he is generally regarded as the outstanding creative artist of early 20th-century India. — In 1913 he became the first non-European to receive the  Nobel Prize for Literature . — Tagore was awarded a knighthood in 1915, — but he  repudiated  it in 1919 as a protest against the  Amritsar ( Jallianwalla Bagh ) Massacre . ...

Uphill - Christina Rossetti

Up-Hill BY  CHRISTINA ROSSETTI — Christina Rossetti,  full  name Christina Georgina Rossetti,  — pseudonym  Ellen Alleyne  (born Dec. 5, 1830,  London , Eng.—died Dec. 29, 1894, London), one of the most important of English women poets both in range and quality. — She excelled in works of fantasy, in poems for children, and in religious  poetry . — LIFE — Christina was the youngest child of  Gabriele Rossetti  and was the sister of the painter-poet  Dante Gabriel Rossetti .  — In 1850, under the pseudonym Ellen Alleyne , she contributed seven poems to the Pre-Raphaelite journal  The Germ . — In 1853, when the Rossetti family was in financial difficulties, Christina helped her mother keep a school at Frome , Somerset, but it was not a success, and in 1854 the pair returned to London, where Christina’s father died. — In straitened circumstances, Christina entered on her life work o...

A Cup of Tea - Katherine Mansfield

Katherine Mansfield Katherine Mansfield (born in   1888  New Zealand—died France) was a modernist  Short story writer. She was influenced writings of Anton Chekhov.  Her stories focus upon psychological conflicts and other contemporary themes .  After her education (in Wellington and London), She travelled to London to become a writer .  Writings: In a German Pension  (1911),   Prelude  (1918),   Bliss  (1920),  The Garden Party  (1922), The Dove’s Nest  (1923) and  Something Childish  (1924). A Cup of Tea -Katherine Mansfield ROSEMARY FELL  was not exactly beautiful. No, you couldn't have called her beautiful. Pretty ? Well, if you took her to pieces . .. But why be so cruel as to take anyone to pieces ? She was young, brilliant, extremely modern, exquisitely well dressed, amazingly well read in the newest of the new books, and her parties were the most delicious mixture of th...